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Eduardo Galeano

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Monday, May 7th, 2012

🦋 Pynchon in Public Day

Happy birthday, Mr. P!

posted evening of May 7th, 2012: 1 response
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Friday, February third, 2012

🦋 Let's Listen to

The Trashmen!

You're welcome.

posted evening of February third, 2012: Respond
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Monday, August 15th, 2011

🦋 Inherent Vice playlist, take 2

Wow! Spotify was not around yet a few years back when I tried to build a playlist of songs from Inherent Vice from YouTube videos... Now GalleyCat's Jason Boog has answered the call with his own playlist. Boog has shared a bunch of other literary-themed playlists, too. Thanks for the link, Christine!

posted evening of August 15th, 2011: Respond
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Saturday, August 6th, 2011

🦋 August 6th

Do you suppose something has exploded somewhere? Really--somewhere in the East? Another Krakatoa? Another name at least that exotic...

posted morning of August 6th, 2011: Respond
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Friday, October 15th, 2010

🦋 The Gerry-Mander

The Wrap runs an article by Jeff Reichert on the Bad History That Gerrymandering Often Produces -- Reichert directed the new documentary Gerrymandering, in theaters now. He writes about "detouring into the odds and ends of history" -- "the meat of the film is everything that happens around" the main story, which concerns a redistricting fight in California. The film is strongly influenced by Mason & Dixon; a quote from the novel was hung on the studio wall during production, Captain Zhang's feng shui observation that

Nothing will produce Bad History more directly nor brutally, than drawing a Line, in particular a Right Line, the very Shape of Contempt, through the midst of a People,-- to create thus a Distinction betwixt 'em,-- 'tis the first stroke.-- All else will follow as if predestin'd, unto War and Devastation.

posted evening of October 15th, 2010: Respond
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Thursday, February 25th, 2010

🦋 Gravity's Rainbow playlist

(To go along with the Inherent Vice playlist...)

Oh we're the LOONIES ON LEAVE, and
We haven't a care --
Our brains at the cleaners, our souls at the Fair,
Just freaks on a fur-lough, away from the blues,
As daffy, and sharp as -- the taps on our shoes!

A group of students and faculty at Portland State U. have set to music 15 of the lyrics from Gravity's Rainbow: The Thomas Pynchon Fake Book. Excellent takes! Lotsa Laffs! Here is a Vulgar Song:

posted afternoon of February 25th, 2010: Respond

Saturday, October third, 2009

🦋 The Golden Fang

Thanks to Mark for sending me this photo of Gazprom's headquarters in St. Petersburg -- this architectural monstrosity will be in my mind next time I pick up Inherent Vice:

posted morning of October third, 2009: Respond

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

🦋 Is this what I think it is? [No.]

Bearing in from either Limb of Sight,
A-thrum, like peevish Dumbledores in flight

Timothy Tox, The Pennsylvaniad

Could Pynchon have put a Harry Potter reference into Mason & Dixon? I don't even know if that's possible chronologically... Both books were published in 1997, so it seems unlikely, though I don't know the months...

Aha! The name is according to Wikpædia an early Modern English word for "Bumblebee".

Update: Looks like somebody else noticed this and asked the same question a while back... Mildly amusing synonym for "dumbledore" is "cockchafer".

posted evening of September 13th, 2009: Respond
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🦋 Structure

Something I've gotten used to in reading novels, and that Pynchon really challenges, is a tendency to feel the connection between the scene I'm reading and the plot of the book at large, to read at least in part for the motive sense of of the book, to be borne along by the plot. Reading the Armand Allègre/Duck of Vaucanson sequence in the middle of Mason and Dixon I got thrown off momentarily by a spell of trying to figure out what was happening in the broader plot of the book before I got back on track... It is a hilarious and lovely story taken on its own (or with the rest of the book as background).

There is apparently a movie based loosely on Gravity's Rainbow that is screening now at the Las Vegas film festival -- from the trailer it seems cute but pretty amateurish, and yet I think I would go see it if it were in a theater. Even without much shape, the Pynchonian images are fun to watch, particularly seeing how they get modified passing through somebody else's imagination.

posted afternoon of September 13th, 2009: Respond

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

During a flashback to Mason's childhood, when he is apprenticing in his father's bakery:

"What happens to men sometimes," his Father wants to tell Charlie, "is that one day all at once they'll understand how much they love their children, as absolutely as a child gives away its own love, and the terrible terms that come with that,-- and it proves too much to bear, and they'll not want any of it, and back away in fear. And that's how these miserable situations arise,-- in particular between fathers and sons. The Father too afraid, the Child too innocent. Yet if he could but survive the first onrush of fear, and be bless'd with enough Time to think, he might find a way through..." Hoping Charlie might have look'd at him and ask'd, "Are you and I finding a way through?"
This passage really gets me -- the voice is just right, the sentiment is real. I'm kind of taken aback. This kind of unironic sentimentality is a bit uncommon in Pynchon's work -- not absent certainly but it is not what I expect to find.

posted evening of September 6th, 2009: Respond

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