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Friday, July 4th, 2003

🦋 Old Windows

No, I'm not talking about 3.1... Today I rehung the first of the stuck windows in my house; there are about 5 in all, plus several that open and close but with a lot of resistance. Since I could not find actual, step by step instructions anywhere on the web or in any books I looked in1, I thought I would write them out here. These instructions are only for windows with weights inside the frame; and specifically for windows built just like mine. I'm sure there are many variations on old window design; if you're taking yours apart and run into something different, you're on your own.

The first thing is to remove the sash molding. This is the rounded piece running up and down the side of the window frame, which holds the lower sash in place. ("Sash" is the thing that has glass in it and slides up and down.) The way to take this off is, first run a utility knife along where the molding joins to the window frame, i.e. the middle of the concave curve there; this will score the paint so that it does not chip during the next step. Now drive a chisel into this joint (assuming the molding is nailed on, not screwed) to force the joint apart. Once it is apart, use a crowbar to detach the molding. If the molding is screwed on, you will need to unscrew it first; this will probably be a huge hassle as there will likely be multiple coats of paint on top of the screws. It is a good idea to take both moldings off; being lazy, I only did it on the side where the weight was off, and this worked alright.

Note: William Duffield, of the Woodcentral Hand Tools Forum, recommends using two 1" putty knives, instead of a utility knife and chisel. One of them should be sharpened at the end. You will be able to run the knives along the joint and find the nails, and only pry where there are nails. This should significantly reduce the damage done to the molding.

Now you need to get access to the inside of the window frame. The way this was set up on my window was, underneath the sash molding was a screw holding a segment of the frame in place; once I undid it that piece came away. I have no idea how standard this setup is. Inside the frame will be a weight with a chain attached to it; the other end of this chain is supposed to be attached to the sash.

Remove the chain from the weight -- this should be straightforward -- and thread it through the pulley at the top of the windowframe. Your pulley may be stuck in place by old layers of paint -- mine was -- I do not think this is a big deal, the chain will just slide over the wheel instead of turning the wheel. Thread a nail or paperclip through the end of the chain, so you can leave it alone at the top of the pulley and work with the other end. Go back to the access hole in the frame, and fish out the chain, and reattach it to the weight. Put the weight back inside the frame.

Now you need to put the chain back onto the sash. Examine the other side of the sash (assuming that the weight was only off on one side) to see how it is attached. The way mine was on, was it threaded through a hole in the wood and then hooked on to a spring which was larger than the hole; the spring sat in a mortise in the side of the sash. Once both sides have their chains attached, you can put the sash back in its track, and nail the moldings back on.2

What I did next may be totally unconventional, I really don't know. At this point, the window slid up and down but, like several others in my house, it did not slide easily. This is particularly a problem for Ellen, who can't get some of them to move at all. So I just coated the sash track with bowling alley wax, and slid it up and down until it moved easily. I don't know how long this will last, but if it is still moving easily in a couple of days, I am going to do the same for my other resistant windows. Otherwise I guess I need to try something else...


1 -- to tell the truth I found several step by step guides to rehanging a window; but all were extremely non-specific, along the lines of "1. Take off the moldings. 2. Take off the sash. 3. Take off the sash cords. 4. Put it all back together." -- with accompanying full-color pictures that added nothing to the written instructions.

2 -- Several books recommended reattaching the moldings with screws, so that it would be easier to do maintenance in the future; this strikes me as ass-backwards thinking. Everywhere in my house where there are screws on an exterior surface, they are covered with many layers of paint and hugely frustrating. (The screws which held the piece of the window frame in place above were underneath the sash molding, so not painted.)

posted afternoon of July 4th, 2003: Respond
➳ More posts about The house windows

Wednesday, July second, 2003

Be sure to go check out Scott McCloud's The Right Number which went up yesterday. Only 25 cents for 32 views! And his main page says he will be restarting "Morning Improv" later this month.

posted morning of July second, 2003: Respond

Monday, June 30th, 2003

🦋 IAEA???

Weird ... I'm looking at my referrers log and there is at 3:08 this afternoon, a referral from -- the home page of the International Atomic Energy Association. Why would they link to me? I surfed over there and did not see any link to READIN. Does anyone have a clue what this would mean? Is there a way to make your browser spoof web pages with the wrong referrer info? And if so what is the point of doing it?

Update: Mark Paschal writes in to let me know the IAEA referrer is an "abusive spider", and to point me to a discussion of it on Webmaster World. From what I can gather, the reason to report a false referrer URL is, to prevent sites from blocking spiders.


Also, another blogroll link to me -- this one is from Tim Dunlop's excellent Road to Surfdom.

posted evening of June 30th, 2003: Respond

🦋 Summer Reading

Inspired by Invisible Adjunct and Kieran Healy, I am seeking input from my readers as regards my summer reading list. I am, however, doing it a bit in reverse: I went to the bookstore this weekend, bought a bunch of books which caught my eye -- these will make up my summer reading (at least until they are exhausted); and now I want to find out if any of you have impressions about them. I do not, alas, have a comments feature; but if you send me e-mail in this regard I promise to put it up as part of this post. So fire away! Here is this list, with comments:

  • Travels in Hyperreality, by Umberto Eco
  • The Ginger Man, by J.P. Donleavy
  • Under the Net, by Iris Murdoch
  • Nuns and Soldiers, by Iris Murdoch
  • The Beginning of Spring, by Penelope Fitzgerald
  • Journal of the Fictive Life, by Howard Nemerov
  • Quetzlcoatl and the Irony of Empire, by David Carrasco
  • Black Spring, by Henry Miller

posted evening of June 30th, 2003: Respond
➳ More posts about The Beginning of Spring

Dixon reflected ... on how inefficient a bar to wasting one's time was the knowledge that one was wasting it (and especially in what Welch termed 'matters of the heart')...

Kingsley Amis, Lucky Jim

I was reminded this weekend of this fine book and reread about the first half of it. It is a hilarious, dark satire of academia.

posted evening of June 30th, 2003: Respond
➳ More posts about Lucky Jim

🦋 Dream Blogging

I was at a political event of some kind and was reading a newspaper article -- op-ed piece, in that pink paper from Britain -- the thesis was, we are currently at a historic cusp; because cat ownership -- historically correlated to poverty and superstition -- was increasing in the US at the same time that wealth and education were increasing.

I went back to the same place the next evening and noticed that it was huge; a block-long, architecturally ornate (not in a good way), postmodern cathedral -- a cathedral as designed by P.T. Bridgeport -- the sign in front said, "Center for Faith and Reason". Inside a huge costume ball was in progress, in full Rocky Horror mode. I came to understand that it was a Wiccan ceremony although nobody I asked would say as much. -- Indeed nobody would meet my eye or talk straight to me.

posted morning of June 30th, 2003: Respond
➳ More posts about Dreams

Saturday, June 28th, 2003

Wow -- another blogroll to READIN; and this is my first from a blog I have never read, though I have heard of it -- Planned Obsolescence. I gave it a brief browse just now and looks fine, well worth knowing about -- some law, some Pynchon; nice format!

The problem with my links format (to yer left) is, I can't really add a site to my list until I know it well enough to categorize it. What I need to do is, add a category for "links I found out about recently and am interested in getting to know" with an easy way for those to migrate into categories once I have figured out where the link belongs.

posted morning of June 28th, 2003: Respond

Friday, June 27th, 2003

This has got to be a blogging milestone of some sort -- a brand-new blogger has copied his template from my page! Go check VLORBIK out.

posted evening of June 27th, 2003: Respond

Ooh boy, I just clicked on an old post from Dr. Healy and found that Larry Gonick has published part III of his history of the Universe! Gotta run out and get that. I won't use Amazon, I won't use Amazon,... I expect Coliseum has got it.

posted afternoon of June 27th, 2003: Respond
➳ More posts about A Cartoon History of the Universe

🦋 Dream Blogging

One of the British bloggers -- I think it was Avedon Carol -- had a post up about the British response to the Academy Awards. Apparently, it was to broadcast a film by a British director whose avocation was masonry, of himself building a brick wall, followed by a mock ceremony in which he accepted a separate gold statue for each segment of the wall. Very weird...

posted morning of June 27th, 2003: Respond

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