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Disbelief is more resistant than faith because it is sustained by the senses.

Gabriel García Márquez

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Saturday, January 19th, 2013

🦋 Reull Vallis

New images from ESA's Mars Express craft have me picturing myself riding a more primitive craft down the river with Huck and Jim... they are crablike hexapods with fringes of symbiotically attached smaller organisms trailing from their undersides... (thanks for the link, Gary!)

posted afternoon of January 19th, 2013: Respond

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

🦋 On the river

posted evening of October 20th, 2012: 1 response
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Friday, October 12th, 2012

🦋 Nubes y sol

dos paisajes de nubes, a lo largo de mi viaje a casa esta noche: sobre East Orange y al muelle en Hoboken.

posted evening of October 12th, 2012: Respond

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

🦋 Formosan Blue Magpie

臺灣藍鵲: Urocissa cærulea
Dura menos un hombre que una vela
pero la tierra prefiere su lumbre
para seguir el paso de los astros.
Dura menos que un árbol,
que una piedra,
se anochece ante el viento más leve,
con un soplo se apaga.
Dura menos un pájaro,
que un pez fuera del agua,
casi no tiene tiempo de nacer,
da unas vueltas al sol y se borra
entre las sombras de las horas
hasta que sus huesos en el polvo
se mezclan con el viento,
y sin embargo, cuando parte
siempre deja la tierra más clara.
                         -- Eugenio Montejo

posted afternoon of September 26th, 2012: Respond

Saturday, September 15th, 2012

🦋 Mono Lisa

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, along the banks of the great gray-green greasy Lomami river, a new species of Old World monkey has been discovered; the Cercopithecus lomamiensis or Lesula. What a deliciously expressively cryptic face this individual has!

As Rob Helpy-Chalk phrases it over at FB, "He's offering some kind of comfort, but not the kind that depends on being delusional about the way the world is."

A-and omg, look at the youngsters holding hands:

posted evening of September 15th, 2012: 2 responses

Friday, August 10th, 2012

🦋 Alignment

Cómo pensar en idioma extranjera, cómo
tomar revelación en los pensamientos
y pasajes, palabras de luz
y de apologia

cómo imaginarte que la tierra,
la desierte debajo de tus pies
sea planeta ajeno: que la estrella
la que deseas
a tí te sea patria
a donde nunca mas te volvieras

posted evening of August 10th, 2012: 1 response
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Thursday, July 26th, 2012

🦋 Clouds above South Orange

Speaking of tormentas eléctricas, we're having a pretty dramatic one tonight. I got a nice cloudscape shot just beforehand.

(Actually the full size image of this would make a really nice wallpaper file.)

posted evening of July 26th, 2012: 6 responses
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Saturday, July 21st, 2012

🦋 Descending a staircase

...Not sure quite how many times of looking in passing at the cover of La universidad desconocida it took me, before it clicked what the picture I am looking at is...

For more Bolaño/Duchamp pairing, check out part 2 of Savage Detectives.

Loving the poems certainly. I need to read them more closely and repeatedly before I will have anything worthwhile to write about them though.

posted morning of July 21st, 2012: Respond
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🦋 My favorite tunnel is the one at 9th Street

es mi favorito, el túnel
el túnel del PATH a la calle 9a
con los tubos desciendo
homeward bound

posted morning of July 21st, 2012: Respond
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Sunday, July first, 2012

🦋 Inspiration

Okay, who knew about this? I did not know about it and now I am blown away, stunned. This is the best thing ever. (Thanks for the link, Henry!)

In 1957, the Italian government commissioned Salvador Dalí to paint a series of 100 watercolor illustrations of Dante’s Divine Comedy, the greatest literary work written in the Italian language. The illustrations were to be finished by 1965, the 700th anniversary of the poet’s birth, and then reproduced and released in limited print editions. The deal fell apart, however, when the Italian public learned that their literary patrimony had been put in the hands of a Spaniard.
Undeterred, Dalí pushed forward on his own, painting illustrations for the epic poems that collectively recount Dante’s symbolic travels through Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. After Dalí did his part, the project was handed over to two wood engravers, who spent five years hand-carving 3,500 blocks used to create the reproductions of Dalí’s masterpiece.

«The wood and the suicide»: Inferno ⅩⅢ

Nessus had not yet reached the other side
When we moved forward into woods unmarked
By any path. The leaves not green, earth-hued;

The boughs not smooth, knotted and crooked-forked;
No fruit, but poisoned thorns. Of the wild beasts
Near Cecina and Corneto, that hate fields worked

By men with plough and harrow, none infests
Thickets that are as rough or dense as this.

posted afternoon of July first, 2012: Respond
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